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Gas Tax Repairs Revenue Procedure 2023-15
Tax Repairs

Whether you are looking for perform a gas tax repairs study for the first time or need expert guidance to review your existing processes, PowerPlan is here to help.

The safe harbor guidance for gas distribution and transmission tax repairs is finally here! Since the revenue procedure was published in April 2023, PowerPlan has been actively engaged with impacted companies and industry experts to fully understand both the effects of the safe harbor guidance and requirements for adoption. PowerPlan’s Tax Repairs solution is ready to accommodate the needs of the procedure and our team of experts have engaged with leading companies to assist with systemizing adoption of the prescribed standards. Even if your team has not fully decided on an adoption timeline, PowerPlan is available to help guide you through the process.

PowerPlan’s industry-leading Tax Repairs software solution has helped customers automate and optimize their repairs processes for more than a decade.​

Learn more about PowerPlan Tax Repairs

There is a lot to do; PowerPlan can help.

Tax Repairs Configuration Review 

Review of existing repairs processes for gas repairs and recommendations of needed changes to align with the safe harbor guidance.

Tax Repairs Setup 

Implementation services to create new repairs tests and configuration to support Gas Repairs safe harbor standards within PowerPlan’s Tax Repairs product.

Data Acquisition Requests 

Assistance in obtaining necessary system data to support historical statistical sampling or business process decisions.

Business Process Optimization 

Providing guidance around needed upstream work management changes to ensure the right level of detail is available to improve tax repairs results.

481(a) Adjustment Application 

Application of desired 481(a) adjustments associated to the NGSH Method into Tax Fixed Assets (TFA) or PowerTax.

Work Management System Integrations 

Creation or maintenance of WMIS integrations to ensure appropriate information is readily available for tax repairs processing and aggregation.

Trusted Industry Partner

PowerPlan Gas Repairs Customer Summit Overview 

Companies Represented

Participants spanned across the gas transmission, gas distribution, and mixed utilities market segments. Attendees included a combination of companies that use and do not use PowerPlan’s Tax Repairs product.

Early Adopter Advocates 

Most participating companies are looking to adopt in 2023 or 2024 Tax Years.

Biggest Point of Contention 

Aggregation requirements were focal in the discussion. Most participants agreed that work would be necessary to obtain zip code information, but opinions varied on how impactful aggregation requirements would be.