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Depreciation Studies

Enables asset-intensive companies, state commissions and industry consultants to conduct depreciation studies, monitor the adequacy of current rates and plan for impacts of future accounting or accrual rate changes.​

With a full set of industry-standard statistical tools built-in, enable your team to forecast asset service lives, salvage and removal costs, calculate annual depreciation accrual rates and determine reserve adequacy.​

Among its many powerful capabilities...

Life Analysis

Enables your team to forecast asset service lives, salvage and removal costs, calculate annual depreciation accrual rates and determine reserve adequacy through a full set of industry-standard statistical tools.​

Accumulated Reserve Restructuring

Restructure reserves by any data value stored on the asset ledger to support restructuring, adopting componentization for IFRS or asset divestiture plans​,

Accrual Rate Computations

Quickly develop accrual rates to facilitate capital investment recovery while using your company’s preferred method and the Life Analysis results.​

Forecasted Retirements

Generate forecasted retirements for a set of assets by vintage and year.

Salvage and Cost of Removal Analysis

Present the annual gross salvage, cost of removal and net salvage as a percent of retirements on an adjusted or unadjusted basis​.

Reserve Adequacy

Analyze the recorded accumulated depreciation reserve versus the theoretical accumulated depreciation reserve for specified sets of assets to view the impact to future depreciation rates.

A flexible analytical tool for all methods of depreciation analysis.

PowerPlan’s Depreciation Studies provides an intuitive, seamless and self-documenting workflow process for analyzing current depreciation rates and their associated curves and lives. Improve your depreciation study quality through fully automated processes and graphical reporting tools.​

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